Inspiration for the vessel: Submersible ship references

The story an the action happens inside the human body from the perspective of a FPV (first person view). To keep the story consistent, the whole mission inside the human body happens through a some sort of submersible vessel. It will be similar to a robot suit with submarine capacities and control.

The player will be seated see in the main panel of the RoboPod. The RoboPod will be similar to a personal submarine.

Here are some one-man submarine image references:

A more flashy carcase for the submarine module. Probably will block part of the vision view. since the yellow carcase is bulky and big.

This submarine is great for the form factor, open view glass sphere and the tubular harness gives the feeling of sturdiness and functional working machine.

This Robot-Suit fits perfect for the submersible vessel. Get rid of the minion.
